Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 theo CV5512 - Chương trình học kì 2 - Năm học 2019-2020


 1. Knowledge:

 a. Vocabulary: prawns, salt, pepper, lemon juice, mayonnaise, celery, spring onions, wash, boil, combine, add, mix, chop, drain, peel

 b. Grammar: review

2. Skills: listening and reading, reading and answering the questions, matching words with pictures, discussing, sentences completion, spoken interaction, playing games.

 3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for cooking for themselves and for their family.

 4. Competence development: Groupwork, independent working, pairwork, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.


 1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer, projector, plan.

 2. Students: Textbooks.


1. Checking: During the lesson

 2. New lesson:


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 theo CV5512 - Chương trình học kì 2 - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 theo CV5512 - Chương trình học kì 2 - Năm học 2019-2020
- Have one group of Ss act as examiners and other groups as competitors. The groups take turns to present their ideas. If there is not much time left, allow about two or three groups to present. Invite comments
from the examiners. Give additional comments.
* Present your group’s ideas about Vietnamese eating habits.
Vietnamese food is varied and distinctive. Traditional Vietnamese cooking usually uses fresh ingredients, little dairy and oil, and various herbs and vegetables. Different sauces such as : fish sauce, shrimp paste, and soya sauce are quite popular in various regions. A meal consists of various dishes: main dish (meat, fish, egg or tofu), vegetable, soup and rice. Rice is the staple in Viet Nam. In many families, people eat around a tray of food with a small bowl of ¬ fish sauce in the middle. Around this bowl are the dishes.
Usually there is a bowl of each dish, and people use chopsticks and spoons to get their share.
In general, Vietnamese food is considered healthy and is popular in other countries.
3. Guides for homework 
- Ask Ss: If you have chance to Japan, what dishes would you like to taste?
	T tells Ss to have good eating habits for the healthy
– Find out some famous dishes of VN and how to cook them. 
- Prepare next lesson: Skills 2
	Give opinion about eating habits.
Date of preparation
Date of teaching
Period 60
Lesson 6: SKILLS 2
 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Listen for detailed and specific information about teenagers’ eating habits.
- Write about the eating habits of a classmate.
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to eating habits.
	b. Grammar: Review
2. Skills: describe the picture, listening and decide true or false sentences, listening and completing the table, answering the questions, spoken interaction, writing the paragraph, reporting, presentation.
	3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for cooking for themselves and for their family.
	4. Competence development: Groupwork, independent working, pairwork, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
	1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer, projector, plan.
	2. Students: Textbooks.
1. Checking: During the lesson
 2. New lesson:
Teacher’ and students’ activities
The main contents
1. Warm up
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
- T asks Ss to answer the question
- Ss discuss and give the answer
T introduces the lesson
* Chatting.
Do you think how is unhealthy eating and healthy eating?
2. Presentation
Aim: Help Ss understand the contents of the listening
- Have Ss do this activity in pairs. They ask each other questions to find out the differences between the two pictures. Elicit the answers from Ss. Ask them to describe the underlying meaning of the pictures.
I. Listening
1. Describe and find out the differences between your pictures. 
Suggested answers:
- Picture A: A boy is eating chocolate. On the table there are junk foods such as
crisps, a hamburger, soft drinks, and sweets. The boy looks fat.
- Picture B: A girl is having rice. On the table we can see soup, fish, vegetables,
and watermelon. The girl looks slim and fit.
- Meaning: They show the contrast between healthy eating and unhealthy eating
3. Practice
Aim: Help Ss listen for detailed and specific information about teenagers’ eating habitts and write about the eating habits of a classmate
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to two students talking about their eating habits. 
- Play the recording for them to do the exercise. 
- Call on one student to write the answers on the board. 
- Ask other Ss if they agree with them. 
- Play the recording a second time for Ss to check. Don’t confirm the correct answers now.
- Without listening to the recording again, Ss complete the table by  filling each blank with no more than three words. Have Ss compare their answers with a classmate before giving T the answers. Ask two Ss to write their answers on the board. 
- Play the recording one last time to confirm the answers for both 2 and 3.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. They ask and answer questions about each other’s eating habits, and take notes of their partner’s answers in the table.
After that give Ss a few minutes to read their notes again to answer the questions provided.
T should move around to give comments as there may not be enough time for checking with the whole class.
- Ask Ss to write about their partner’s eating habits. When they have finished, Ss exchange their writing to spot any mistakes. Have Ss share the mistakes with the whole class. T may collect some Ss’ work to mark
at home, or T may ask them to rewrite the exercise as homework. In this case, remember to ask for Ss’ revised work in the next lesson.
2. Listen to what they say and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
2 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F
3. Listen again and complete the table. Use no more than three words for each blank.
1. biscuits 
2. hamburger 
3. crisps 
4. fried beef 
5. vegetables 
6. cereal 
7. a banana 
8. slices of bread 
9. boiled egg 
10. steamed  fish
II. Writing
4. Ask and answer questions about each other’s eating habits. Take notes of your partner’s answers in the table.
5 a. Write about your partner’s eating habits. Include information about his/her meals, your opinion about his/her eating habits and possible changes.
b. Exchange your work and give comments.
Sample writing:
My friend, Trang, does not have healthy eating habits. She sometimes skips breakfast. When she has it, she usually buys a hamburger and a soft drink from a café near our school. For lunch, her favourite is fried rice and deep-fried chicken. The good thing is that she prefers to have dinner at home. However, she likes eating a lot of rice and fatty pork for dinner. She rarely eats vegetables, but loves fruits. I think Trang should change her diet. First, if she wants to have more energy for the day, she should never skip breakfast. Second, she must reduce the amount of fast food she eats. Also, eating more vegetables would be good for her. She should also eat less rice for dinner. These changes will definitely keep her fit.
4. Further practice
Aim: Help Ss talk about the eating habits of a classmate
T guides Ss to talk about the eating habits of a classmate
Ss talk about the eating habits of a classmate
T corrects and remarks
3. Guides for homework 
- Revise the writing.
- Prepare next lesson: Looking back - Project.
Date of preparation
Date of teaching
Period 61
 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice vocabulary and grammar points they have learnt in this unit.
- Practice making communication, project.
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to eating habits.
	b. Grammar: Review
2. Skills: matching words with descriptions, completing the words, completing the paragraph, sentences completion
	3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for cooking for themselves and for their family.
	4. Competence development: Groupwork, independent working, pairwork, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
	1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer, projector, plan.
	2. Students: Textbooks.
1. Checking: During the lesson
 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
1. Warm up
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
Aim: Help Ss practice vocabularies related to eating habits
- Have Ss do this exercise individually and then compare their answers with a partner. 
- Call on Ss to read out loud their answers.
- Ask Ss to complete the words individually - Check Ss’ answers as a class. If time allows, call on one or two Ss
to write their answers on the board.
- Ask Ss to do this exercise individually. 
- Have some Ss read out their answers. Confirm the correct ones.
1. Match the words in A with their description or definition in B.
1. d 2. e 3. g 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. h 8. f
2. Write a verb for a cooking method under each picture. The first letter has been provided.
A. steam B. deep-fry C. stir-fry 
D. bake
E. roast F. grill G. simmer 
H. stew
3. Fill each blank with a word/phrase in the box. There is one extra word.
1. hamburger 
2. sushi 
3. deep-fry 
4. steam 
5. stew
2. Grammar
Aim: Help Ss review the conditional type 1
- Have Ss do this exercise individually. 
- Check the answers as a class. T may ask Ss to explain their choice.
- Ask Ss to write the sentences individually. Have two Ss write the sentences on the board. Ask other Ss to give comments. Correct the sentences if needed.
4. Circle the correct answer.
1. slice 
2. sticks 
3. any - some 
4. bag 
5. clove 
6. bunch
5. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the modal verbs provided.
Suggested answers:
1. If you keep eating fast food, you might become overweight.
2. If you promise to finish your homework tonight, you can go to the cinema with your friend.
3. He should eat less sweets if he doesn’t want to have toothache.
4. She must eat less rice and bread if she wants to lose weight.
5. If you join this cooking lesson, you can cook many delicious dishes.
3. Communication
Aim: Help Ss practice making communication
- Have Ss rearrange the lines to make a complete conversation, first individually and then share their answers with a partner. Ask some pairs to read out loud the conversation.
- Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice if necessary
6. Rearrange the lines to make a complete conversation.
1. B 2. E 3. F 4. I 5. A 
6. H 7. J 8. C 9. G 10. D
4. Project
Aim: Help Ss practice making project.
- Have Ss work in groups of four or five.
- Guide them how to do and ask them to do at home.
A survey on eating habits
1. Work in groups. Go to other classes and ask different students about their eating habits. Write the students’ answers in the table.
2. Now work together again. Analyse the answers you have got and organise
them in the form of an answer to each question. This could be done using a
visual organiser such as a chart.
3. In general, do the students at your school have healthy eating habits? Present
your group’s findings to the class.
3. Guides for homework 
- Complete the project.
- Prepare next lesson: Unit 8 – Getting started.
Date of preparation
Date of teaching
Period 62
 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to tourism.
- Interact a conversation about tourism and travelling.
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to tourism and travelling.
	b. Grammar: Review
2. Skills: reading and deciding true or false, reading and answering the questions, list words, completing the paragraph, playing games, spoken interation, talking to others. 
	3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for protecting and preserving place which they travel.
	4. Competence development: Groupwork, independent working, pairwork, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
	1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer, projector, plan.
	2. Students: Textbooks.
1. Checking: During the lesson
 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
1. Warm up
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
- T ask Ss to name some famous
tourist attractions in Viet Nam, especially those in or near their region.
- Then ask Ss to name famous foods and
specialties of Viet Nam that foreign tourists
enjoy most and write them on the board.
2. Presentation
Aim: Help Ss know some vocabularies related to tourism and Interact a conversation about tourism and travelling.
- Let Ss open their books to GETTING STARTED.
- Tell them to look at the picture and answer the questions
- Have Ss answer the questions as a class. Accept all possible answers and do not pause to correct mistakes.
Then tell Ss that they are going to listen to Nick and Chau talking about Nick’s plans for his summer holiday. Play the recording and have Ss follow along.
- Explain the words which Ss don’t understand.
- Play the recording twice or more if necessary. Ss may read the conversation again, and then do the exercise individually. - Check and write the correct answers on the board. T may call on an able student to
write the answers on the board.
- Explain to Ss the meaning and use of the three expressions in the Watch out! box. Ask Ss to locate them in the conversation, and give examples if time allows.
- Ss work in pairs to complete the task. Tell them to refer back to the conversation when necessary. Explain anything difficult. T may need to explain to Ss that although some people don’t like the thought of eating
snails and frogs’ legs, they are considered specialities in France (so Chau is teasing Nick about eating them). 
- Check Ss’ answers.
- Let Ss work individually to answer the questions, then compare their answers with a partner. 
- Help them find the information in the conversation. 
- Call on some pairs to read out the questions and give their answers. 
- Check their answers.
1. Listen and read.
What are Nick and Chau talking about?
What place/city may they be mentioning?
What do you know about this city/country?
a. Find a word/phrase in the conversation that means:
1. made up your mind
2. narrowed it down
3. a package tour
4. explore
5. not my cup of tea
b. Tick ( ) true (T) or false (F).
Key: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
c. Answer the following questions.
1. It means Nick’s parents are relaxed and open-minded.
2. It’s quite warm (warmer than in Britain).
3. Visit the Alps, and climb Mont Blanc, explore Paris, and go sightseeing in the historic city of Versailles.
4. Eat frogs’ legs and snails.
5. She says ‘ Lucky you’ when Nick says he can make his own decisions.
3. Practice
Aim: Help Ss use some vocabularies related to tourism
- This activity is aimed at giving the collocations of common words related to the topic of travelling and tourism. Let Ss work in pairs  first. Check their work, then let them read and remember each collocation.
- This exercise is a revision of words and phrases from previous lessons. 
- Let Ss work individually to do the task. 
- Check their answers. If time allows, call on some Ss to read the passage with the correct answers.
2. Collocation: Which word goes with which list below?
Key: 1. holiday 2. resort 3. tour 4. trip
3. Fill each blank with a word/phrase from the list.
Key: 1. seaside resort 2. souvenirs 
 3. destination 4. in advance
 5. delayed 6. luggage 
 7. accommodation 8. price
4. Further practice
Aim: Help Ss know some interesting place
- For 1, 2, and 3: let Ss do them individually and check their answers. Praise good ideas.
- For 4, 5, and 6: let Ss work in groups. When they  finish, ask some Ss to give their groups’ answers to the. Check and give comments.
Give the names of the following. Choose one and talk about it with a partner.
1. Da Nang City 
2. The Great Wall of China
3. Jeju Island 
3. Guides for homework 
- Prepare: A closer look 1.
	- Find words with travelling and tourism,
Date of preparation
Date of teaching
Period 63
Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1
 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to tourism.
- Identify tones in asking for information and ask questions for information with the correct intonation.
- Use common compound nouns correctly. 
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to tourism and travelling.
	b. Grammar: compound nouns
	c. Pronunciation: Tones in asking for information.
2. Skills: matching words with definition, completing the passage, sentences completion, listening and repeating, practising the conversation.
	3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for protecting and preserving place which they travel.
	4. Competence development: Groupwork, independent working, pairwork, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
	1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer, projector, plan.
	2. Students: Textbooks.
1. Checking: During the lesson
 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
1. Warm up
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
- Tell Ss that the words and phrases in this unit are connected with travelling and tourism, and that many of them are nouns and compound nouns.
- Many of these words are already familiar: trip, accommodation, jet lag Tell Ss to recall other words and collocations. Encourage them to call out as many words/phrases as possible.
 trip accommodation 
travelling and tourism
2. Presentation
Aim: Help Ss know some tourism vocabularies and how to use compound nouns
T explains some tourism vocabularies
Ss listen , remember and practice
T gives examples of the compound nouns and explains: blackboard, swimming pool, haircut, tablespoon 
T asks Ss to give some more.
T asks Ss to complete the table
Ss complete the table
T corrects
I. Vocabulary
1.1. Tourism vocabulary
- Trip (n): short journey to a place
- Tour (n): a journey, usually for pleasure to visit different places.
- Expedition (n): an organized journey to a place that is not easy to reach. 
- Excursion (n): short journey usually made for pleasure often by a group of people. 
- Resort (n): a place where a lot of people go on holiday.
- Book (v): to arrange to have a seat, room,. at particular time in the future.
- Travel (v): the activity of moving from one place to another.
- Guide(n) : A person whose job is showing a place or a particular route or visitors
- Reasonable (adj): not too expensive.
1.2. Compound nouns
A compound noun is a noun that is made of two or more words.
Compound nouns can be formed using the following combinations:
Driving licence
Ex: Complete the table
(jet lag, drawback, swimming pool, pile –up, stopover, peak season, touchdown, mix-up, check-in, full board)
Compond noun – Formation
jet lag, 
peak season
pile –up, 
Drawback, stopover ,
swimming pool
full board
3. Practice
Aim: Help Ss use the lexical items related to tourism and use common compound nouns correctly and Help Ss Identify tones in asking for information and ask questions for information with the correct intonation
T explains and asks Ss to work individually, then compare their answers with a partner’s. Ask some Ss to write their answers on the board. Check their answers as a class. Have them make sentences with the words if necessary.
- Let Ss work in pairs to complete the task. Have them read the sentences carefully and insert the compound nouns appropriately. Check their answers as a class. Explain anything difficult.
T explains: Tones in asking for information
Ss listen and remember
- Play the recording once for Ss to listen, then play it again sentence by sentence for them to re

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