Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 theo CV5512 - Chương trình học kì 2 - Năm học 2019-2020

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will

1. Knowledge: Use the lexical items related to the topic “Pollution” to talk about type of pollution.

 a. Vocabulary: Aquatic; Dump; Poison; Sneeze; Illustrate

 b. Grammar: Conditional sentences.

2. Skills: listening and reading, finding a word, reading and answering the questions, deciding true or false, writing under the pictures, sentences completion, spoken interaction.

 3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for protecting environment.

 4. Competence development: Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence


 1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector

2. Students: Textbooks.


1. Checking: During the lesson

 2. New lesson:


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 theo CV5512 - Chương trình học kì 2 - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 theo CV5512 - Chương trình học kì 2 - Năm học 2019-2020
3. Guides for homework 
- Talk bout pollution
- Learn new words/ workbook: B1, 2, 3
- Prepare : A closer look 1
Date of preparation
Date of teaching
Period 56
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will
1. Knowledge: Use words and phrases showing cause/effect relationships to describe the causes and effects of pollution.
Pronounce the words ending in “ic” and “al” correctly in isolation and in context.
	a. Vocabulary: poison , contaminate, pollutant, polluted, death, damaged
	b. Grammar: Cause and effect
	c. Pronunciation: “ic” and “al”
2. Skills: Completing the table, sentences completion, combining the sentences, make sentences, listening and marking the stress, 	listening and underlining the words.
	3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for protecting environment. 
	4. Competence development:  Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence	
	1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector
2. Students: Textbooks.
1. Checking: Write the new words and types of pollution
	2. New lesson: 
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
1. Warm up. 
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson
Ss have a small talk about pollution in their neighborhood.
2. Presentation.
Aim: Help students use words and phrases showing cause/effect relationships to describe the causes and effects of pollution.
T asks the Ss to do task 1.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers with their fiends.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read their answers.
Some Ss read, the others give the comment.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to do task 2.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers with their fiends.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read their answers.
Some Ss read, the others give the comment.
T checks and corrects.	
T introduces structure.
Ss take notes.
I. Vocabulary
Complete the table.
Complete the sentences.
1.poisonous 2.pollutants 3.dead
4.contaminated 5.contaminated
Because/ since + clause
Due to/ because of + Sth
So+ clause
To cause sth/ to lead to sth/ to result in sth
To make sb/ sth/ do sth
Aim: Ss can use words and phrases to do exercise and Pronounce the words ending in “ic” and “al” correctly in isolation and in context.
T asks the Ss to do task 3.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers with their fiends.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read their answers.
Some Ss read, the others give the comment.
T checks and corrects.	
T asks the Ss to do task 3b.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers with their fiends.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read their answers.
Some Ss read, the others give the comment.
T checks and corrects.
T introduces stress in words ending in –ic and - al.
Ss listen and take notes.
T asks the Ss to listen and mark the stress in each words.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read their answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to do task 7.
Ss do it.
T asks them to read their answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
3a. Write C for cause and E for effect
1. C-E 2C-E 3E-C 4E-C
3b Combine sentences.
1.Oil spills from ships in the oceans and rivers lead to the death of many aquatic animals and plants.
2.Households dump waste into the river so it is polluted.
3.Since the parents were exposed to radiation, their children have birth defects.
4.We can't see the stars at night due to the light pollution.
II. Pronunciation
6. Listen and mark the stress in each words, then repeat again.
1. ar'tistic
2. ath'letic
3. his'toric
4. his'torical
5. 'logical
6. 'physical
7. he'rotic
8. po'etic
9. bo'tanic
10. bo'tanical
7. Underline the words ending in –ic and circle the words ending in – al in the following sentences.
Further practice. 
Aim: Ss can talk to show cause/ effect relationship.
T asks the Ss to work in groups to look at the pictures and give as many sentences as possible to show cause/ effect relationship.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read their answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
Work in group
People cough because they breathe in the fumes from cars.
The fumes from cars make people cough.
3. Guides for homework. 
- Do exercise 3,4 in workbook.
- Talk about pollution in their neighborhood.
- Prepare: A closer look 2
Date of preparation
Date of teaching
Period 57
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will
Use conditional sentences type 1 and type 2 correctly and appropriately to describe pollution.
	a. Vocabulary: related to the topic: Pollution
	b. Grammar: conditional sentences type 1 and type 2
2. Skills: Putting the verbs in the brackets, making sentences, matching, writing sentences, playing games.
	3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for protecting environment. 
	4. Competence development:  Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence	
	1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector
2. Students: Textbooks.
1. Checking: Talk about pollution in their neighborhood.
	2. New lesson: 
Teacher’ and students’ activities
The main contents
1. Warm up 
Aim: To warm up the class and lead in the lesson
Ss talk about some types of pollution.
2. Presentation.
Aim: Help Ss review conditional type 1.
T asks the Ss to do task 1. 
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers with their friends.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss t read their answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to do task 2.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers with their friends.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss t read their answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
I. conditional type 1
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
1.recycle/will help
2.won’t dump/fines be
4.will save/don’t waste
5.use/will have
2. Combibe sentences
1.Students will be more aware of protecting the environment if teachers teach environmental issues at school.
2.When light pollution happens, animals will change their behavior patterns.
3.The levels of radioactive pollution will decrease if we switch from nuclear power to renewable energy sources.
4.If the water temperature increases, some aquatic creatures will be unable to reproduce.
5.People will get more diseases if the water is contaminated.
3. Practice
Aim: Help Ss to know more about conditional type 2.
T introduces conditional type 2.
Ss listen and take notes.
T asks the Ss to do task 3.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers with their friends.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss t read their answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to do task 4.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers with their friends.
Ss do it.	
T asks some Ss t read their answers.
Some Ss read.	
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to do task 5.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers with their friends.
Ss do it.	
T asks some Ss t read their answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
II. Conditional type 2.
3. Match A with B
1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-e, 5-a
4. Put the verd in the correct form
1.were/would you (do) do
2.exercised/would be
3.had/would build
4.tidied /wouldn’t be
5.was / were/would grow
5. Complete the sentences
1. If there weren’t so many billboards in our city, people could enjoy the view.
2.If there wasn’t so much light in the city at night, we could see the stars clearly / If there weren’t so much light in the city at night, we could see the stars clearly.
4. Further practice
Aim: Ss can talk about real situation using conditional type 1 and type 2
T guides the Ss to do to give real situation using conditional type 1 and type 2.
Ss do it.
T corrects and remarks
* Chain game.
A: If each person plants a tree, there will be a lot of trees.
B: If there are a lot of trees, the air will be cleaner.
C: If the air is cleaner, fewer people will be ill.
3. Guides for homework
- Make sentences with conditional type 1 and type 2. 
- Do the task in part Vocabulary & grammar in workbook.
- Prepare: Communication.
Date of preparation
Date of teaching
Period 64
Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2
 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic "English speaking countries".
- Use present tenses and present simple for the future correctly.
- Practice doing exercises using present tenses and present simple for the future.
	a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to English speaking countries
b. Grammar: Present tenses, present simple for future.
2. Skills: sentences completion, describing the activites, discussing the questions, making notes.
	3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for and be more aware of studying English. 
	4. Competence development:  Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence	
	1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector
2. Students: Textbooks.
1. Checking: Write the new words
	2. New lesson: 
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
1. Warm up
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the leson and lead to the lesson
T asks Ss to retell the names, the forms and the use of present tenses.
Ss go to the board and write.
T gives marks
1. Present tenses.
2. Presentation
Aim: Ss can use present tenses to do exercises
T lets them do individually. Allow Ss to share ideas in pairs. Encourage Ss to explain how they decided on the tense in each sentence. 
Ss work individually and then share ideas in pairs 
T corrects as a class.
T lets Ss work individually first. Then let them share and discuss in pairs. 
Ss work individually and then share ideas in pairs 
T checks and has Ss explain why a certain tense is used.
Ss write the answer on the board and explain why a certain tense is used.
1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (present simple, present continuous or present perfect).
1. has served 
2. is increasing 
3. symbolises 
4. form 
5. has celebrated 
6. is
2. Four of the underlined verbs in the passage are incorrect in tense. Find and correct them.
In the passage 
2. visit
have visited
3. increases
is increasing
5. has celebrated
7. are dancing
3. Practice
Aim: Ss can use present simple for the future to do exercises
T asks Ss to read the monthly schedule for the extra activities at Vancouver Christian School. Then have them underline the verbs in the sentences.
Ss work individually 
T allows Ss time to discuss and find the answers to the questions. If Ss are having difficulty answering question 2, T may ask questions such as ‘Is a schedule usually for present or future activities?’ Then have Ss read the REMEMBER! box.
Ss discuss in groups and read the REMEMBER! Box.
T has Ss do this exercise independently. 
T checks the answers as a class.
3a. Read the schedule and underline the verbs in the sentences describing the activities.
1. The Debating Competition takes place in the Main Hall on April 3rd.
2. The bus for the excursion to the chocolate factory leaves at 8.00 a.m on April 14th.
b. Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
1. The future 
2. The present simple
4. Use the verbs in the box in their correct forms to complete the sentences describing other activities in 3a.
1. starts – finishes 
2. takes place 
3. holds 
4. hosts 
5. lasts
4. Further practice
Aim: Ss can write sentences about the activities, using the simple present with a future meaning
+ Groupwork
- Divide the class into two teams.
- Each team makes a sentence using the simple present with a future meaning.
- Each right sentence gets a mark.
- Time: 3 minutes.
- The team with the highest marks wins.
Write sentences about the activities, using the simple present with a future meaning.
3. Guides for homework
 	Talk about some activities in the present tenses.
- Review present tenses and present simple for the future.
- Complete the sentences in 5.
- Prepare: Communication.
Date of preparation
Date of teaching
Period 74
Lesson 6: Skills 2
 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Listen for specific information about natural disaster.
- Write a new report on a natural disaster.
	a. Vocabulary: related to the topic: natural disasters
b. Grammar: Passive and past perfect
2. Skills: listening and correcting the lesson, listening and completing, spoken interaction, writing a new report, talk a presentation.
	3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for and be more aware of protecting the environment and prevent from natural disaster.
	4. Competence development:  Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence	
	1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector
2. Students: Textbooks.
1. Checking: During the lesson
	2. New lesson: 
Teacher’s and students’ activities
 1. Warm- up:
Aim: To help Ss to pay attention in the lesson.
T asks the Ss to talk about natural disasters
Ss do it.
 2. Presentation
Aim: Help Ss listen for specific information about natural disasters.
T explains the exercise.
Ss explain.
T asks them to listen to the new report and correct the following statements.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare with their answers.
Ss compare.
T asks some Ss to read their answers.
Some Ss read.	
T checks and corrects.
T explains the exercise.
Ss explain.
T asks them to listen again and complete the date chart.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare with their answers.
Ss compare.
T asks some Ss to read their answers.
Some Ss read.	
T checks and corrects.
1. Listen to the new report and correct the following statements.
1. A typhoon hit Nghe An Province last night.
2. Dozens of people were seriously injured in the storm.
3.There was extensive damage to property in Cua Lo, a coastal town in Nghe An.
4.The storm had already weakened when rescue workers arrived in the area.
5.According to the weather bureau, heavy rain will continue over the next few days.
2. Listen again and complete the date chart.
1. winds 
2. homeless 
3. damage
4. flood 
5. debris 
6. accommodation
 3. Practice
Aim: Help Ss write about causes and effects of one pollution type.
T explains the lesson.
Ss listen.
T asks them to make note about the natural disaster.
Ss do it.	
T asks the Ss to use your note in three to write a news report
Ss do it.
T asks them to swap news reports with a partner.
Ss do it.
3. Make note about the natural disaster. 
Type of natural disaster
What is this disaster?
When and where did the disaster occur?
What are the effects of this disaster?
What has been done to help the victims of the disaster?
4a. Use your note in three to write
a news report
4b. Swap news reports with a partner.
4. Further practice
Aim: Ss can talk about causes and effects of one pollution type.
T asks Ss to talk about causes and effects of one pollution type
Ss talk about causes and effects of one pollution type
T corrects and remarks
Eg: A Sweden’s capital city is built on 14 islands and has a 700 year-old history.
The oldest part of Stockholm is the Old Town. Here you can visit the Royal Palace, one of Europe’s largest and most dynamic palaces.
3. Guides for homework.
- Do exercise in speaking in workbook.
- Looking back and project.
Date of preparation
Date of teaching
Period 99
 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Predicting what other life forms might be like.
- Share their own views about the possibility of other life forms.
- Use reported speech exactly
	a. Vocabulary: Extra vocabulary related to the topic life on other planets.
b. Grammar: Review: reported speech
2. Skills: reading and discussing, saying the opinions, giving the reasons reporting the dicisions
	3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for and be more aware of protecting and discovering about life on other planets.
	4. Competence development:  Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence	
	1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector
2. Students: Textbooks.
1. Checking: - Make sentences with May, Might and reported speech: questions.
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
1.	Warm up
Aim: To help Ss to pay attention in the lesson.
T asks Ss:
Which planet would they like to go to if they had a chance? Why?
Ss answer the questions
T tells Ss that they will join a teenagers’ blog to read some discussions on whether they believe in the existence of other life forms in the galaxy.
2. Presentation
Aim: Ss know more vocabularies related to the topic life on other planets.
T checks if Ss understand the meanings of the words in Extra vocabulary. If they do not, quickly teach the words by using synonyms or even translation. 
T has Ss read the comments. Ask them to do the reading as fast as possible and remember the ideas. 
Extra vocabulary
NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration
1. Read the comments they have posted on an online forum.
3. Practice
Aim: Ss can talk their own views about the possibility of other life forms and use reported speech exactly.
T asks Ss to work in groups. Tell Ss that they can look back at the blog and use the example to discuss the five ideas. 
- If Ss agree, ask them to add any details from their imagination about the planet. Elicit the reasons why there may be inhabitants there, what those inhabitants may look like, how they can communicate, how they can travel
- If Ss disagree, ask them to justify their choice. 
T asks Ss to work in pairs. Ask them to use the suggestions in the pictures and the example. Remind them to give a reason for each choice. Go around to help Ss. Note this is not meant to be serious; Ss can suggest silly or funny things as long as they justify them.
2. Work in groups to decide if you agree or disagree with each of the opinions and ideas in 1. 
Suggestions for disagreements: 
- I disagree with Nhi because the inhabitants there may be able to live in high temperatures. They may 
have bodies which can resist heat. Or they may have a special machine to cool down the atmosphere 
of the place where they live.
 - I disagree with Duc because the inhabitants there may be able to extract liquid from underground to 
survive. Their bodies may be adapted to the environment there. They may not need oxygen but hydrogen 
or nitrogen to breathe.
 - I disagree with Anh. Any planet can be considered powerful. Any inhabitant is proud of his/her own planet. 
3a. Work in pairs. 
A: I will wear a spacesuit because it may be very cold there and I won’t be able to breathe.
B: I will bring hand washing gel to clean my hands.
Further practice
Aim: Ss can report your decisions to another pair or to the class
T asks Ss to report their decisions to the class or to another pair. Give feedback if necessary

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