Gián án Tiếng Anh 8 theo CV5512 - Unit 9: A first aid course - Năm học 2020-2021


 1. Knowledge.

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know what they would do in the situations which require first - aid.

* Language structures.

 +future simple.

 +modal will to make requests ,offers and promises.

* Vocabulary: towel, handkerchief, cotton ball, bandage, alcohol, tiger balm, medicated, oil.

 2. Ability:

- Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in communicative situations.

- Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.

- Students have a general understanding of the first-aid actions; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.

 3. Quality:

- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.

- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect themselves, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for themselves, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson.


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Gián án Tiếng Anh 8 theo CV5512 - Unit 9: A first aid course - Năm học 2020-2021

Gián án Tiếng Anh 8 theo CV5512 - Unit 9: A first aid course - Năm học 2020-2021
 Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Ask sts to read the dialogue again and select the topics covered in the dialogue.
- Call sts to give the answers .
- Correct the mistakes and ask sts to copy.
3.Topics covered in the dialogue.
a)Describing the condition of the injured person.
b)Asking for the address.
? Who can tell me the main content of the lesson ?
c)Asking about the condition of the injured person.
e)Giving first-aid instructions
f)Arrange for an ambulance.
- Talk about an accident happened and how to make first-aid then arrange for an ambulance.
* Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')
- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn at home.
- Students:
+ learn the lesson at home.
+ do exercises:1,2 in the workbook and get ready for the next lesson.
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 Date of preparation: 24/12/2021
 Date of presentation: 8A:
/ /2021
 / /2021
Speaking & Listening
	1. Knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know and use: 
+ can /could.
	+ will/would.
	+ phrases of purpose.
	+ to-inf.
	+ in order to /so as to
	+ Vocabulary related.
	2. Ability: 
- Student pronounced sounds, stress, intonation and rhythm in basic compound sentences; speak simple instructions for use in everyday communication related to the topics. Then present briefly or participate in short, simple conversations on familiar topics. 
- Student hear and recognize sounds, stress, intonation and rhythm in basic compound sentences; understand the main content, detailed content of listening. Focus on listening, speaking skills to talk about things in an emergency room.
- Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.
- Students have a general understanding of the emergency room; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.
	3. Quality: 
- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.
- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect themselves, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for themselves, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson.
- Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers
- Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools, ready for the lesson.
	1. Activity 1: Warm up: (8’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify the language materials, understand the situations given and create the excitement for students before entering the new content of the lesson
 b) Content: Students discuss on what to do in the situation. Work in individuals, in pairs or work in groups. Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned and have the excitement before joining in the new lesson. 
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
* Warm up.
Let students discuss on what to do in the situation: “ A girl has a burn on her arm => What will you do ?”
- Students discuss on what to do in the situation: “ A girl has a burn on her arm" 
* Check the old lesson.
- Asks students to answer 
"Who can read aloud all the words of previous lesson on the board?"
- Asks for student's comments. Then estimate and correct if it is necessary.
- Students answer:
+ towel, 
+ handkerchief,
- Students show the comments.Listen to the teacher and correct if necessary.
	2. Activities 2: Speaking (17’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the groups of phrases about requests, offers and promises in the situation of the lesson.
 b) Content: Work in individuals, work in pairs, work in groups, experience in the situations. Listen, speak, read and write; apply knowledge of phrases about requests, offers and promises to practice with the dialogues.
 c) Products: Students can use vocabulary, structure and the important knowledge of the lesson. Students are able to complete their learning tasks and present the results of their tasks.
 d) Organization of implementation:
 Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
-Explain words and ask them to give the meanings.
-Write words on the board.
-Read aloud words and ask them to read after.
-Call sts to read aloud.
-correct the pronunciation.
-Explain how to use the modals.
-Take examples.
-Let sts read the groups of phrases about requests,offers and promises.
-Explain the phrases.
-Ask sts look at the picture a) and the dialogue.
-Explain the situation and language using in that situation.
-Let sts look at the pictures b,c,d,e, and speak about those pictures.
?Who can speak aloud ?
( about 4 sts )
-Correct the pronunciation.
-Let sts look at the pictures and work in pairs using the requests, offers and promises.
?Who can speak about content of the pictures?
( about 4 couples)
-Correct the mistakes and pronunciation.
-Ask them to copy.
?Who can retell again all the content of the pictures?
?Who can retell about the main grammar? 
-to be afraid:
Eg:Could you give me a book?
Would you like to drink?
3.Practise speaking
b)He has a headache.The sister wants to help.
c)A boy has been bitten by a snake.
d)She has a fever.
e)He has broken the vase.
*Suggested answers.
b)Sister:Can I get you some water?
c) A-Can I get you some bandage?
B-That ‘s would be nice.
d)Mother:You must have a fever.Would you like some medicine?
Daughter:No,I am fine,thanks.
e)Boy:I promise I won’t play soccer in the house again.
Mother: I hope so.
	3. Activities 3: Listening (17’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify the vocabulary, structure, and knowledge they have just learned. Students know how to use the phrases of purpose to listen to the tape transcript and match the letters to the pictures.
 b) Content: Listen to the tape transcript and match the letters to the pictures. 
 c) Products: Students can use vocabulary, structure and the important knowledge of the lesson. Students are able to complete their learning tasks and present the results of their tasks.
 d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
-Explain words and ask sts to give the meanings.
-Write on the board.
-Read aloud and ask sts to read after.
-Call sts to read aloud.
-Correct the pronunciation.
-Explain how to use the phrases of purpose.
-Take examples.
-Let sts look at the picture and make qs:
?where is this?
?who are they?
-Explain the requirement of listening.
-Let sts look at the book and listen to the tape transcript.
-Ask sts to match the letters A-B-C-D-E-F to the correct words in the box.
-Let sts listen once again to check the answers.
-Let sts discuss in groups and call one of each group to write the answers on the board.
 G1 G2 G3 G4
-Correct the mistakes and ask sts to copy.
?Who can tell me the content of the pictures?
+ stretcher (n) cáng.
+ crutch (n) nạng.
+ wheelchair (n) xe lăn.
+ scale (n) cân
+ eye chart (n) bảng đo thị lực.
+ ambulance (n) xe cứu thương.
*phrases of purpose.
Eg:-I go to HN to learn E.
-They study hard in order to/so as to pass the exam.
3.Practise listening.
A- ambulance D-eye chart
B-wheelchair E-scale
C-crutches F-stretcher
+Phrases of purpose:
-in order to/so as to.
* Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')
- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
- Students:
+ learn the lesson at home.
+ do exercises 3 in the workbook .
+ get ready for the next lesson.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
 Date of preparation: 24/12/2021
 Date of presentation: 8A:
/ /2021
 / /2021
	1. Knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to be supplied skills on the cases such as fainting, shock, burn.
* Language structures.
	+ force sb to do st.
	+ let sb do st.
	+ give sb st/give st to sb.
* Vocabs: fainting,elevate,victim,revive,shock and the vocabulary related.
	2. Ability: 
- Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in communicative situations to talk about the supplied skills on the cases such as fainting, shock, burn.
- Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.
- Students have a general understanding of the cases such as fainting, shock, burn; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.
	3. Quality: 
- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.
- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect themselves, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for themselves, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson.
- Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers
- Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools, ready for the lesson.
	1. Activity 1: Warm up: (6’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify the language materials, understand the situations given and create the excitement for students before entering the new content of the lesson
 b) Content: Students listen and answer. Work in individuals, in pairs or work in groups. Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned and have the excitement before joining in the new lesson. 
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Ask student to ask and answer using the questions: 
?What is the weather like today?
?Who is absent today?
?Who can write the new words of the previous on the board?
-It’s hot/cold..
- stretcher, crutch,..
	2. Activities 2: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials.
 b) Content: Learn and use language materials simply.
 c) Products: Students can use vocabulary, structure and the important knowledge of the lesson. Students are able to complete their learning tasks and present the results of their tasks.
 d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
-Explain words and ask sts to give the meanings.
-Write on the board.
-Read aloud and ask sts to read after.
-Call sts to repeat.
-Take examples and explain how to use these structures.
-fainting(n) ngất xỉu.
-elevate(v) nâng lên.
-victim (n) nạn nhân.
-revise (v) cứu sống.
-shock (n) choáng, sốc.
Eg:-force her to sit.
-let him get warm.
-give him a cup of tea.
	3. Activities 3: (16’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situations of the lesson.
 b) Content: Students work individually, in pairs or in groups. Students actively and enthusiastically participate in activities according to the teacher's suggestions, instructions and requests.
 c) Products: Students can use vocabulary, structure and the important knowledge of the lesson. Students are able to complete their learning tasks; present the results of their tasks and experience in the situations.
 d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
-Let sts give some emergencies.
-Let sts discuss in groups about fainting,shock,burn.
-Introduce and explain about the requirement of reading.
-Let sts read the text in silence.
3.Practice reading.
- Students give some emergencies of:
	4. Activities 4: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learned to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements.
 b) Content: Students work individually, in pairs or in groups; apply knowledge to tell how to make a first aid for fainting,shock and burn as the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements.
 c) Products: Students can use vocabulary, structure and the important knowledge of the lesson. Students are able to complete their learning tasks and present the results of their tasks.
 d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
-Let sts discuss in groups(about 4 groups)
-Ask sts to choose a correct case for each of the following treatments.
-Call one of each group to write the answers on the board.
 G1 G2 G3 G4
-Correct the answers and ask sts to copy.
?Who can tell me how to make a first aid for fainting,shock and burn?
?Who can tell me the main grammar of the lesson today ? 
- Discuss in groups. Choose a correct case for each of the following treatments.
-Students tell how to make a first aid for fainting,shock and burn.
-force sb to do st.
-let sb do st.
-give sb st.
* Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')
- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
- Students:
+ learn the lesson at home.
+ do exercises 6,7 in the workbook.
+ get ready for the next lesson.
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 Date of preparation: 24/12/2021
 Date of presentation: 8A:
/ /2021
 / /2021
	1. Knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about the form and how to write an informal letter of thank-you note.
	2. Ability: 
- Students are able to write a thank-you note.
- Students form and develop the competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.
- Students have a general understanding of the thank-you note.; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.
	3. Quality: 
- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.
- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect themselves, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for themselves, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson.
- Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers
- Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools, ready for the lesson.
	1. Activity 1: Warm up: (6’)
 a) Objective: Help students understand the situation given and create the excitement for students before entering the new content of the lesson
 b) Content: Students listen and answer. Work in individuals, in pairs or work in groups. Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson.
 c) Products: Students know how to answer teacher's questions, teacher's introduction and have the excitement before joining in the new lesson. 
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Ask students:
?How are you today ?
?Who is absent today?
- In order to write a letter for thanks, we will study the lesson today.
- Students answer:
+ We are fine, thanks.
+ .
- Students listen and join in the lesson.
	2. Activities 2: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and the form and the use of a thank-you note.
 b) Content: Work in individuals, work in pairs or work in groups. Read and . Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
 c) Products: Students are able to complete the thank-you note Nga sent to Hoa after she left the hospital, experience in the situation and complete the learning tasks.
 d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
-Introduce and explain how to complete the letter.
?Have you ever written a letter for thanks.?
+Yes, I have.
+No,I have not.
-Let sts read and complete the letter.
-Ask sts to discuss in groups.
-Call one of each group to write the answers on the board.
 G1 G2 G3 G4
-Correct the mistakes and ask sts to copy..
1.Complete the letter.
1) was 4) came
2) were 5) am
3) helped 6) will telephone.
	3. Activities 3: (16’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to complete the writing tasks.
 b) Content: Students work individually, in pairs or in groups. Students actively and enthusiastically participate in activities to practice writing according to the teacher's suggestions, instructions and requirements.
 c) Products: Students are able to use vocabulary, structure and related knowledge to experience in the situation and complete learning tasks.
 d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
-Explain the requirement of exercise and let sts read the instructions well.
-Ask sts to read again the completed letter above.
-Let sts write a letter for thanks basing on the suggested question.
-Let sts compare and discuss the letter with a partner.
? Who can write a letter on the board?
( one st)
-Correct the mistakes and ask sts to copy.
-Give a suggested letter on the board and explain.
2.Write a letter. 
Dear Hoa,
Thank you very much for the flowers and a skirt you sent me on my birthday.It ‘s very nice and I really liked them.
I have just..
I will phone you on Saturday.
Thanks again.
Your sincerely,
	4. Activities 4: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students present their writng letter; sum- up the main content of the lesson.
 b) Content: Students work individually to present the writng letter; sum- up the main content of the lesson according to the teacher's suggestions, instructions and requirements.
 c) Products: Students are able to use vocabulary, structure and related knowledge to complete learning tasks and present the results of their writing.
 d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
-?Who can ?
?Who can tell me the main content of the lesson?
d- Homework 2'.
-Write a letter again.
-Do all exercises in the language focus.
- Read the letter.
- Correct the pronunciation themselves.
- Tell the main content of the lesson.
-Write a letter again & do all exercises in the language focus.
* Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')
- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
- Students:
+ learn the lesson at home.
+ do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
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 Date of preparation: 24/12/2021
 Date of presentation: 8A:
/ /2021
 / /2021
Language focus (1)
	1. Knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson sts will be able to revise all the knowledge that they have learnt.
* Language structures.
	+ In order to/so as to.
	+ future simple
	+ modal: will to make requests,offer and promise
* Vocabulary related.	
	2. Ability: 
- Students are able to do exercises and

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